Awesome extra post for the week and super wordy!
Sunday's post was pretty long, but I still wanted to talk about the great Warhammer Fantasy Halloween game that we had.
The story behind the game is that Nagash is trying to take over the world and kill everyone during the End of Times. He has been super beefed up and has brought some pretty nasty Vampire Counts to his side.
For this game, the forces of the living are fighting against Nagash and two of his leuitentants, Neferata and Krell. The forces of the living include everyone that isn't Tomb Kings or Vampire Counts. So for our game we had a wide range of armies that wouldn't normally fight on the same side. There were 7 players on the forces of the living side and the armies brought were: Lizardmen, Nurgle, Scaven, Orcs, Bretonnian, and 2 Warriors of Chaos groups.
The players were allowed 1 unit and 1 leader totaling 400 points. They were not allowed spellcasters or anything that gave them a magic phase, and the units had to be either infantry or monstrous infantry.
On the forces of undead side, we had Nagash, Neferata, Krell and a Master Necromancer. During the magic phase we were able to cast several spells as well as summon units to fight like a standard undead army. Also, there were several terrain pieces on the board which, at the end of the magic phase, would summon a unit nearby.
The board was set up on three 4x4 tables with the forces of good on one side, Nagash on the other, and Neferata and Krell in between. The forces of good had to move through three tables and travel nearby several spawning terrain pieces in order to get to Nagash.
Rewards were given based on kills and progress down the tables for the forces of good.
Overall I think this game went pretty well. The forces of good made their way down the board and when they encountered an undead unit, they were either tied up for a bit or killed them immediately. They were whittled down and only a few made it to Nagash. In the end, Nagash and his forces of the undead were left standing, battered, but alive (sort of).
I was in charge of Neferata, the Mortarch of Blood, and the units she summoned as well as any units that spawned by the mausoleum on my side of the table. For most of the game my concentration was on dealing damage to some of the larger units with my awesome Gaze of Nagash spell, and attacking the Brettonians and Khorne Warriors of Chaos who were in front of me. Both of these armies eventually made it almost all the way down to me, but were stopped by several units of Spirit Hosts and Ghouls.
On the other side of the board, lots of the forces of good concentrated on Krell and the Master Necromancer. Since Krell was standing very close to a spawning Mausoleum, there were a ton of undead units to throw in front of him and the Necromancer, but in the end they were taken down by the horde of Lizardmen skinks and kroxigar. The other armies worked their way towards Nagash, killing everything in their way, including several summoned Bone Giants and a lot of Bat Swarms.
Then the other Warriors of Chaos player, who only had their leader left, made a statement about how their guy was either Lysander or Lysander's ancestor. All I heard was the Lysander part and with that, all three of the players on the undead side immediately switched to that guy and fired several spells at him. Eventually, after a round or two, he was killed!
As a group, we don't particularly care for the Lysander character in the Warhammer 40k universe, since he is over powered and pretty hard to kill. I've only seen the guy in one other game which was a 50,000 point 40k Apocalypse game. Tons of points were spent trying to kill him and after many rounds and attacks we thought we had him, but the guy has some crazy Eternal Warrior stuff and survived!
So, now it's sort of a running joke and as soon as Lysander is mentioned, we have to kill him. Oh well! He shouldn't have said anything about Lysander.
The Scaven unit was one of the first to make it down near to Nagash, but the leader of the unit carried a weapon that did awesome damage to both his opponents and to himself. He was eventually dealt one too many wounds and killed himself, while his unit was taken out on a later encounter.

Finally several units made it down to Nagash, diminished, but surviving. Nurgle managed to get their charge off first and engage Nagash in close combat. The other unit that missed their charge, the Orcs, were right in front of Neferata so I had her summon some extra units of undead and on her next turn she charged in to challenge the Orc leader. The Nurgle were joined by a lone Lizardmen Kroxigar against Nagash and after getting Nagash all the way down to only 1 wound, the Nurgle were killed. Several blows were exchanged between Neferata and the Orc leader while the extra undead units I had summoned charged the unit the Orc leader was in and after dealing more wounds than they took, the Orc unit ran. Neferata pursued and they were destroyed. The lone Kroxigar managed to survive against Nagash for a bit, but in the end was unable to get that last wound. Nagash finished him off.
The Bronze Award went to the Orcs, who were the only ones to deal any wounds to Neferata, but sadly ran and were pursued to death.
The Silver went to Nurgle, who dealt the most wounds to Nagash, but failed to kill him in the end and left him with one wound.
And finally the Gold went to....
The Lizardmen! They traveled along the side of the table, encountered a ton of undead units, made it to Krell and the Master Necromancer, and killed them both. These were the only major kills in the game for the forces of good and therefore earned the highest reward! Go Lizardmen Skinks and Kroxigar!
This was an awesome game and while it did take a good bit of time (at least 5 hours) it was still fun for everyone. I got a ton of figures painted and off my project list and had a good time! Woohoo!
The next Warhammer Fantasy game that we're having is going to be in January and will be either everyone against the Chaos, or everyone against just Nurgle. All these new incredible Nurgle models are out and we want to play with them! I will be playing my Lizards which is awesome, since I don't have to actually paint anything if I don't want to. Leaves me more time to paint other stuff!
Till next time!