Wednesday, December 17, 2014

All the WIP

The post today is definitely all WIP stuff. I am still working on Tyranids and getting the Space Hulk box done, but I've also added another project to the table. 

I have two Shadows of Brimstone games that have a ton of miniatures that go with them. These minis are made from a decent plastic and the details on them are pretty good for being from a table top game. I believe these games were from a Kickstarter. Currently, I have all the player minis, the tentacle monsters, the two large guys, and several smaller things all put together and based.

Here is a pic of all that I have cleaned and based so far. There are so many more minis to go and like 4 more of the spider things which are a pain to clean. I'm pretty picky when it comes to mold lines so things have to be as clean as I can get them. 

Here is a close up of several player miniatures and a few of the tentacles.

Here is another close up of some more player minis and the two big guys in the back. The big guys were pretty fun to put together, but they have some serious gap issues.

In this close up, there is a ton of spaces that need to be filled in and before I put them on a base, I'm going to have to fill those with green stuff. I know it's just for a table top game, but they still have to look nice. I also think that with all the similar minis that I might try the airbrush for all the major base colors and shading.

And lastly, more work on Tyranids! I have these guys with a few layers of blue and there is a little robot thing and a chalice. More work to come!

Till next time!


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