Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Blood Angels WIP Wednesday!

Currently I'm working on the Blood Angels from the Space Hulk box. These guys are plastic and there isn't a lot of cleaning that needs done on them. They go together fairly well and the only issue that I've been having is the priming part. There are a ton of crevices on these guys and I don't want to over prime them so I'm having to do a ton of light coats to get the black prime everywhere. If I had the red primer from Army Painter, I would've used that instead.

For these guys, instead of taking a ton of time to figure out which paints to use and how to go about painting each part, I found an awesome tutorial online. Tale of Painters has an incredible step by step tutorial and there isn't much that I can do better as far as the steps and paints needed. I have changed a few of the paints and the steps as I paint, but otherwise it's perfect! They also have the Genestealer step by step that I'm going to use.

This is a pic of the first steps on these guys. A layer of GW Mephiston Red and a wash of GW Rhinox Hide mixed with water. While I was working on the Rhinox Hide bit, I put the wash down and then wiped the top parts with a tissue to remove the extra paint on top. This really just got the paint in the deep parts and left the top mostly alone.

Here are the four guys I'm working on at the moment. I try to work on units in 2 and 4 figures at a time. This time I'm working on the steps with 2 figures at a time and then switching to the other 2 and doing the same steps. This way I won't burn out on the same painting. 

These are some close ups of the two that are the furthest along. I'm currently on the 13th step with these two and the 10th on the others. I have some touch ups to do, but otherwise I love how these are turning out. Considering that these are only like my third attempt at some Space Marines, the first being a single Grey Knight and the second some Dark Angel bikes, they are looking good.

This is kind of an early post because the new World of Warcraft expansion comes out at 3am tomorrow so I'm going to be busting my butt to finish these 4 today. I should have these 4 and probably 2 to 4 more on Saturday completely finished. I'm also going to try and get more of the Genestealers cleaned and ready for priming. It would be nice to paint some of them at Phantom of the Attic on Sunday.

Till next time!


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