Saturday, November 29, 2014

Normal Saturday Post!

Today will be a normal finished model Saturday post. Because of the nature of what I was working on and how I was working on it, the last few missed posts would have been pretty much the same. 

Last Saturday was a crazy day. Between being out on the day that the temperature dropped like crazy and the fact that the city decided not to salt the roads, it was not a good day. Almost every bridge in the area had to be shut down due to icing and accidents. Add to that was all the traffic back up from people having to turn around and take detours to get to where they wanted to go. I just happen to be out in this trying to get to the downtown area to meet up with someone.

So with that and all the sameness of the Blood Angels that I was working on, I did not post last Saturday and Wednesday. I've decided that if that happens again, I will post a retro figure so at least there is a post.

Blood Angels!

I've gotten the Blood Angels from the Space Hulk box pretty much done. There are a few things here and there that I'm seeing, but every figure can use some more work on it. These were a little bit of a pain since there were so many details all over the mini. I ended up having to go back and paint other things out of order because I missed them.

Out of the ones I've been working on there are two that are not here. One is a guy with a power sword that I want to work on some more and the other is a guy holding a Tyranid skull. I wanted to save this for when I was working on the other Tyranids.

I absolutely love how these guys turned out. I think they look awesome and the steps I followed worked great! I have another client that has Blood Angels, but I was unsure of how to paint them so I've been doing other stuff for them. Now that I've done these, I really want to paint more. 

Like I said, the hardest part about these is getting all the details in one shot without having to go back over them later. They also took a good bit of time, but I have another week to finish the Tyranids and since they are very organic, they should go quick.

I will have the other two Blood Angels finished for Wednesday and some Tyranids for the work in progress part.

Till next time!


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