Saturday, October 18, 2014

Is it WIP Wednesday again? Nope, it's a Saturday....

Apparently instead of finishing something completely this week, I decided to work on a bunch of stuff and not get any of it done. Between base painting Tomb King skeletons, working on the Mortarch, starting some exercise, and cleaning, I didn't finish anything. 

The Progress!

The Mortarch is all cleaned and I'm working on priming the pieces in stages as I work on the main body. Base painting is coming along and the skulls inside are done. Next up is to highlight, wash, and add some color depth to certain parts, specifically the red. I'm sticking with the standard box color for Neferata. The base hasn't been finished as I need to make sure of the placement of the figure first before I glue anything. I will more than likely prime the tail and connected hip bones and paint it before attaching it to the base.

The Tomb Kings! These poor guys have been slowly getting base colors and are set up in groups with one guy mostly done, 4 others who need washes, 5 who need final green highlights and washes, and 5 more who need almost everything.I can't wait to finish these guys! They will be a big load off of my project list.

Finally, since this week wasn't much of an update of finished stuff, I've decided to include my first retro mini. 

This is an awesome Warhammer Fantasy Wood Elf Sorceress that I completed earlier this year. For all of the Wood Elves that I have, I've used a variant color scheme of a corrupted wood. The trees and the ground are various shades of blue and purple with bright red leaves and lights all around. This look is heavily inspired by World of Warcraft as the color scheme comes from the Worgen starting area. The red used is a fluorescent over top a regular flat red. It's super bright and stands out beautifully. 

Hopefully, I will get a few of the skeletons finished tomorrow while I'm at the game store and come home wanting to paint my heart out.

Till next time!


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