Wednesday, October 1, 2014

WIP All the Bases!

It's Wednesday once again and of course that means it's WIP day... Yay?

The first half of this week has been trying to do anything but the three minis that are sitting on my desk. I've cleaned up some of my stuff, I've organized Magic The Gathering cards, and generally put off any painting because of these minis. Today was spent fixing up some Dreadball minis and working on the bases for some Warhammer Fantasy Undead guys. 

These are two of twenty zombies that I've had painted for a while. They were sitting around unfinished since I don't play Vampire Counts for Warhammer Fantasy, but we've decided to have a Halloween game and so these guys have a purpose! The paint scheme on these are fairly simple with brown, pink, camo, and a bone color that I'm not sure of. Red wash, purple wash, and the old Devlin Mud to finish it. So now that they have some use, I can finish they're bases. These have some Vallejo Black Lava to start. Painting, wash, and dry brush to come later!

These are two of the five wolves that I've also had sitting around. They were originally owned by someone else, but I ended up with them. I had to first remove the flocking that was stuck to the bases and then I added some artist gel medium mixed with some sand and rock. They will get the usual standard treatment of black prime, paint, wash, and dry brush.

And last is another pic of the figure that has me stuck. I've talked about this one before, but she's twice the size of the regular Infinity minis and usually I wouldn't care about what was behind the gun, but I actually have to paint it with some detail this time. I'm going to work on her some more tonight and hopefully push past the blandness of the mini in it's current state. I think the main problem is that it's the same color scheme that I've been painting nonstop for several weeks now. 

This is why my Warhammer Fantasy army is Lizardmen as I can change the color scheme for any unit at any time I want. All I have to say is that it was a different spawn.

I think it's also the reason why my #speedpaintchallenges have been crazy colors.

Oh well...

Till next time!


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